NUC11i7 with Topping V70 (Velvet) DAC

Hello, I have NUC11i7 with Topping V70 (Velvet) DAC connected directly via USB and passing analog sound via RCA to Sonos Port. It’s the best solution I have ever had. It sounds fantastic! All of these gadgets, of course, are on switching power supplies, which, for my ears, does not have any effect, while just out of curiosity, I ordered Keces P6 for Sonos Port and Nuc. My NUC usually takes only 13W with Roon ROCK, and on max upscaling only 27W, and Sonos Port much less. So, dual port 3A Keces P6 will fit perfectly. It’s a budget-friendly, well-sounding setup.

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Do you need to post this here since you have also posted it in the ROCK forum?

No kidding. Two identical posts of questionable relevance resurrecting two long dormant threads.

Moreover, in a best connection thread, crowing about connecting the analog output of a Topping DAC into the analog input of a Sonos Port is ridiculous. Because the Sonos Port obviously converts analog right back to digital for wireless transmission to Sonos loudspeakers, where the final digital to analog conversion occurs.


As per both @Wade_Oram & @WiWavelength , I’m also confused by this setup.

That does the Sonos Port connect to?

Why not use the Sonos Port as a Roon endpoint, minus the VIP using Sonos Streaming or the AirPlay option.

Does the V70 also connect to anything else?

Velvet, of course!

Ah now I got it

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