I would disagree that we’re not “stepping up” – the message on the KB site says:
We have identified some issues with NUC8 compatibility and are currently investigating them. We are withdrawing official support for the NUC8 until these issues are resolved.
For the record, this is pretty much exactly the message – apologies if our communications didn’t convey that clearly enough.
As you can see in this thread, there are lots of people using these devices without issue. We also have some reports that require investigation, namely that some people are seeing devices that *only* support UEFI boot. The investigation is currently underway, and we are hoping to restore official support soon.
Obviously, we would prefer not to have to temporarily withdraw support for these devices, but what you’re seeing right now is us stepping up, and being transparent out of an abundance of caution – we suspect in most cases these devices should work, but we want to be sure. And if you’re having an issue, we’d like to know.
When we’re sure, these devices will again be officially supported, and we’ll update the knowledge base. We appreciate everyone’s patience while we look into this.