Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Ethernet connect
Audio Devices
USB connected 851N Cambridge Audio
Description Of Issue
Nucleus has got internet connection (cable) and 851N via wifi. Both connected via USB and Nucleus has an internal SSD. Qobuz. This worked before and now there seems to be a problem with the storage location, can’t find the connected audio device (851N) and does not show any music collection. I hope the Nucleus is not gone to heaven… any ideas?!
Sorry to sound like a broken record - but have you tried rebooting the Nucleus? And if you’ve rebooted it by using the Web administration page, are you sure that it has rebooted? The web page may say it has, but the only way to be sure is if your Roon remotes lose the connection, and the Roon OS timer on the Web admin page gets reset to zero…
Er - why do you want to reformat the internal storage? You will definitely lose all your music files if you do that… I said to try rebooting the Nucleus…
Can you please use these instructions to send e a copy of your Roon logs? When you don’t see any audio devices appearing, that could indicate deeper issues, please send Roon logs so I can check them for errors.