Nucleus B suddenly not found on network

Roon Core Machine

Nucleus B

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Netgear Nighthawk switch

Connected Audio Devices

PS Audio Direct Stream

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

For about six months ago I sometimes had difficulties starting up the Nucleus after periods of listening rest. When starting up the system, I found the Nucleus via its IP adress, but not via my Roon app. It just searched for the Roon Core. When logging in Via the IP Adress, I could reset the library, and then the Nucleus started again and could be working fine some weeks or so. About a week ago when the same problem occurred, I couldn’t reach the Nucleus at all. I tried to Connect it via the HDMI ports and then I could see the ROON logo on the screen after startup. I couldn’t do anything via the connected keyboard or mouse though, and after a while the unit seemed to restart and showed the Logo again etc. I saw in a number of posts that it pointed out that the M2 boot disc is bad, so I now have ordered a new M2 Samsung Pro unit that I am going to install. My question now is if I have to install ROCK first, or if it is possible to get the Nucleus install files from you?

Best regards Mats

The normal process for a diy fix is to install Rock to get it up and running and then @support will remote into it once it’s online and make it back into a Nucleus.

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Ok, thanks. I will do that.

Hi @Mats_Lindstrom,

@AceRimmer is correct here - let me know how things are looking! :+1:

Hi Ben,
Now I have installed a new M2 disc and upgraded the memory, updated the bios in Nucleus and installed ROCK and I’m up and running :slight_smile:
What do you need from me now to help me make it a Nucleus again?

Regards Mats

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Basically leave it on and connected to the network and Roon will work it’s magic.
However they do not work over the weekends.

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Hey @Mats_Lindstrom,

@AceRimmer is correct - please keep the device powered on and connected to your network, and I will follow up once the update is complete. :+1:

Hi Ben, Nucleus is now online, up and running…

Regards Mats

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You are all set to go!

Thank you very much. Excellent support!
Enjoying the music again, and I actually think the Nucleus sounds better now… Could it be the faster M2 disc or the bigger RAM maybe?

Thanks again! /Mats

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