Affected Product
Nucleus Model
Nucleus+ Rev B
Description of Issue
Ever since my Roon System was upgraded a couple of weeks ago I have not been able to use my system where Nucleus is involved. My remote simply shows a blank white screen with a wheel churning in the middle of the screen. As you may have already guessed I have very limited technical ability so this problem has become a major issue for me. I am running a desk top Mac Studio with 32 GB of memory and 2 TB of storage. Any advice you can supply will be greatly appreciated. The problem basically comes down to getting my Nucleus connected into my network, at least so it seems. But to do this is beyond my ability.
RAM & Internal Storage
2000GB of internal music storage.
Connected Audio Devices
The Nucleus is connected via an internet cable to a Bell Canada modem. The overall system is a Sanders Sound stereo system consisting of an electrostatic speaker system, an electrostatic amplifier, Mk II Power Amplifier ratted at 400 watts, into 8 ohms, a Sanders Preamplifier, and an Ultradrive Pro DCX2496 which is a frequency crossover network that divides the input frequency into two bands, a lower band (0 to 500 hertz) and a upper band (500 to 20,000 hertz), enabling each speaker to be biwired. The Sanders Preamplifier takes inputs from a Magnum Dynalab tuner, a Pro-Ject 2 Xperience Acryl/Classic turntable, a Bryston CD player, and a Cambridge Audio Azur 851N DAC Network player.
Home Network Details
Impossible to provide input with this system of input!