Nucleus failed after thunder storm

Roon Core Machine

Nucleus Rev. B S/N 54B2038B3CE1

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

The Nucleus stopped working after a close lightning strike. Can the unit be repaired or should it be replaced?

Can you tell us a little more?
Age of unit and where you purchased it?
Also when you say failed can you not reach it’s web UI at all?

It was purchased about a year ago at Audio Video Therapy in Nashua, NH. I did not try connecting as the power switch light no longer illuminates.

Hi @Mark_Platti .
Normal practice here would be for your dealer to take care of this as it is still under warranty.
Please contact them and request them to organize a Rma with Roon.
They should be able to make it all happen for you.

More likely the power supply / power adapter fail. If you have a laptop charger with same size adapter and similar Voltage rating, you could try that just to see if that would turn on the unit. No harm in doing that.

Can you see any physical damage on the Mother Board, if its fried you can sometimes see damaged components

If its had a lightening hit you have no idea what was fried , mending one bit might highlight another bit damaged you could be chasing your tail

Thanks for the input. I measured the open circuit output of the adapter at 19VDC. Just what the adapter says. I don’t want to open the box just in case warranty might somehow apply.

If it is under two years old as you say then yes it is under warranty so best not to mess with it and just contact the dealer you purchased it from to arrange repair.

I’ve made contact with the dealer and we’ll see where it goes from here… Thanks!

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Hey @Mark_Platti,

Ben with the support team here - you’ve been led in the right direction here in terms of first getting in touch with your dealer directly.

I’ll be on standby in case you have any other questions along the way!

Thanks. My dealer said he could send it in for repair and guessed that the cost would probably exceed $600 and wouldn’t be covered under warranty based on the circumstances or I could get a new Nucleus. I haven’t heard back on a repair turn time and he’s not answering my messages now so I went to another dealer I use who will be supplying me with a new unit. I may still pursue a repair and use this nucleus at my vacation home.

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Thunder storms are common here , I live in Johannesburg , South Africa

Virtually every day in summer there is the potential for a storm some of them are real stunners. The simple answer is UNPLUG everything . We unplug all sensitive electronics computers , hi fi etc . There are even reports of white appliances getting zapped (fridges etc) . We just sit back and watch the pyrotechnics …

Some years back in ADSL days I got caught as my neighbour’s palm tree took a direct hit , it ran back through the copper phone lines and zapped my network via the ADSL filter !! Even though no mains was connected. It cost me (well insurance) an audio streamer , video streamer AV amp and various switches

Hopefully underground fibre has fixed that

Forewarned is forearmed :smiling_imp:

I’m not sure why he is mentioning any cost as it’s either under warranty or it isn’t?
Your dealer needs to be working with Roon now to resolve this and again if it is under warranty there should be no cost to yourself involved!

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