Nucleus has been acting odd… I rebooted it from browser menu last night and it never came back online… I could tell it was running (would show up when I clicked “Configure Roon OS devices on your network” from a remote) … but was otherwise not visible on my network and web UI won’t load… I’m at a loss.
Thought maybe SSD was corrupt, got a new one, unable to flash… menu keeps saying boot media not valid…have flashed multiple USB drives with both MacOS and Windows 11 units … no luck…
So the when you say “unable to flash… menu keeps saying boot media not valid…”
What did you use to flash the .img? And is it not booting off your thumb drive that is the problem?
You might try a different program and re-download the .img. Like try Rufus or BelenaEtcher depending on which one you tried already. I have had issues in the past with etcher not wanting to work and had to use rufus instead.
Did you check the boot order in the bios to ensure the usb boot was enabled?
From the install guide:
Once you’ve restored your BIOS settings to the default, make the following changes:
Disable Secure Boot
Make sure UEFI is enabled on the Boot Priority screen
Set the boot order to boot from your SSD first (you can drag the drives into the proper order if you’re using a mouse. Otherwise you can use the “+” and “-” keys)
Disable Network Boot
Enable USB Boot but make sure the SSD has boot priority
You may need to enable the M.2 slot, depending on the BIOS version
Was this Nucleus purchased over two years ago or less? If it is purchased less than 2 years ago we can look at it as an RMA case, otherwise, you can try to see if there is a BIOS setting that is incorrect.