Nucleus has no front light and lost connection to ARC (ref#QMO1IH)

What’s happening?

· I'm having trouble with Roon ARC

What best describes your issue with ARC

· I can't log into ARC but I can log into Roon

Describe the issue

I may be having issues with my Roon Nucleus but I’m not sure. The light on the front isn’t on, the connection to ARC is lost, Nucleus is sending music to most devices except in my theatre. Considered the upgrade offer a few weeks back but the Nucleus was performing just fine.

Describe your network setup

Maybe this is better. Below is the error message where Nucleus can’t connect with Arc.

"ipv4_connectivity": {"status":"NetworkError","status_code":504,"error":"error: Error: ETIMEDOUT, response code: undefined, body: undefined connected? undefined"},
"external_ip": {"actual_external_ip":"","actual_external_ipv6":"null","router_external_ip":"null"},
"natpmp_autoconfig": {"status":"NotFound"},
"upnp_autoconfig": {"server_ip":"","found_upnp":true,"error":"




Take a look here (in the UPNP/NATPMP section also in the “Less common errors” section):

Thank you for the notes. Resolved the ARC issue by resetting the port. Simple. The other issues I’m having require a little more digging on my part. My Nucleus is only 3.5 years old so I’m hoping it’s not time to replace it.

I’m glad you were able to resolve your issue.

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