Nucleus is not working

While listening Qobuz i had a network problem and lost the unit. I can only see attaced screen via hdmi out. Cant reach the bios or cant make clean install via Usb stick. Usb keyboard and mouse connected but f2 f10 etc does not work. I see only below screen. Any idea ?


Hi, have you tried rebooting the Nucleus?
If that does not help try the router.

Hey @Hakan_Burkut1,

A belated welcome to the Roon community :wave:

I’m sorry that we weren’t around to help, especially since you couldn’t make use of your Nucleus at all. Please, accept my sincere apology :pray:.

I was wondering, did rebooting your Nucleus and router, as @Carl (thanks @Carl!) has suggested help?

2 posts were split to a new topic: ROCK System Not Booting