Nucleus+ is stone dead after power outage

Thanks for your help so far :slight_smile:

Life is not good without roon :frowning:

Can you confirm that you were following step 5 in the ROCK Install Guide here. Did you see screens similar to those given in the guide? And the reboot you refer to is that reboot that is done as the last thing in step 5? Thanks.

No I can’t. I downloaded and unzipped the file, but I was not able to access the roon FS, so I thought is would be a good idea to reboot and try again.
Now I know: It wasn’t.

So did you complete step 5 in the install guide successfully? And you saw a message on the screen saying that RoonOS had booted successfully and giving the IP address of the Nucleus?

Sorry again… I thought #5 was the Codec.

Yes, I can confirm that I worked through #5 'til the last reboot screen and THIS reboot worked. And I think as a result I saw a “correct” browser screen - only the codec was missing. After the next reboot I got the screen from above.

You mean “nothing showing on the screen at all”?

What’s the current physical state of things? Have you got the m.2 SSD plugged in? It looks OK physically? And nothing showing on the screen?

I meant this one:

But this was after 2nd reboot following #5

At the moment I can’t access the broser screen, because roon doesn’t boot at all.
With m2.SSD plugged, I get “No Signal” and without “No Boot device”
Of course the m2 looks physically OK, it’s neither broken, nor burned. :slight_smile:

And what’s wrong from the beginning: The on/off-button shows no light. It’s dark all the time, but nevertheless it works.

Right, well, I’m not sure what has happened, but one thing to try is to do step 5 of the Install Guide again, to see if you can get a working copy of RoonOS installed on your SSD.

I would be glad I could this step again. but because I get no signal with the SSD plugged in, I have no chance.
I can’t believe that it’s broken. Maybe I can format it and I’m back in the game?!

If you reformat the new SSD, then you have to start over from the beginning of the install process.

If everything works, that won’t be a big thing.

I ordered an usb-m2.ssd-enclosure to give thia a try.

Everything will work unless your mother board died or some other internal issue.

maybe ‘other internal issue’.
The motherboard is not dead, because it works allright without the ssd

Any ideas? What can/should I do?

Hello @Matthias_Goetze ,

Thanks for the information you’ve posted so far. Unfortunately, based on your description, it sounds like the M2 connector itself on the motherboard might be failing. Unless you wish to try to install ROCK on a old-style SATA SSD, a motherboard replacement might be your best bet. If you wish to get in contact with the RMA team to get the motherboard replaced, please include a link to this form and fill out the below form with responses of OtherPhysical Component:

Hi Noris,
is it possible to reserve a part oft the existing ssd (holding the flag files) for the roon os? will there be a performance problem if I do so?

Plus as you are replacing the original m.2 SSD you can replace it with a faster NVMe PCI 3.0 SSD such as a “Samsung 970 EVO Plus” and improve the responsiveness of your Nucleus+
Many have reported improvements with this change.

You could add another 8GB DRAM unit and make it a 16GB unit.

Thanks Simon,
ordered! I hope this speed Roon up in the end.

Nevertheless I need a new board :frowning:

Ah, well if there is a serious cost, you could always pick up a NUC7i7DNK (there is one on eBay presently) and use the board after taking the fan off, as it is the same used in the Rev B Nucleus+

Good idea. Unfortunately there’s no NUC7i7DNK at ebay Germany, as well as at Amazon or any other computer store I searched on Google.
So I think I have to go for the expensive Nucleus exchange board - 2 years after I bought the mega expensive Nucleus+.