Nucleus no longer found on my network

I own a regular Rev B Nucleus. It stopped showing up in my Asus router’s connected list, but it does power on. I have tried replacing the network cable and have tested multiple ports on the the router. All other connected devices operate normally.

I purchased my Nucleus from a local dealer, Echo Audio more than 2 years ago.

I connected it to my PC’s monitor. It will hang at the Roon boot screen/logo. I am able to get into the BIOS. UEFI boot shows disabled, and clicking UEFI boot indicates it doesn’t see a bootable drive. The OEM drive does show up in the legacy boot list however, as does my storage drive (a Samsung 850 Pro).

Is there anything else I should try? My hunch is the SSD is failing or corrupted. Is there a recommended replacement drive type?

I moved my Roon client to my main PC for the time being.

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Hi @Christopher_Harr

I’m just a fellow Roon user

Are you able to connect it to a TV via HDMI?

If you can you should see white text, top left on the screen. Does it display an IP address?

You can also try and access it’s web UI.

You can anormally try http://nucleus.local/ as well from a mac, or just http://nucleus/ from a windows machine.

The display only shows the Roon logo, and a couple boxes in the upper right (boot, etc). No IP address is shown.

That is indeed a symptom of a failed SSD. Since your Nucleus is now outside of the 2 year warranty, the best course of action is for you to replace the SSD yourself, install ROCK on it, and then ask @support to remotely upgrade the Roon OS to the Nucleus version.

Thanks. I found the exact M.2 drive on Amazon. I’ll direct-swap it and reinstall.

When you said “remotely upgrade the Roon OS to the Nucleus version”, what difference will that make and what’s the best route for contacting them?

Not a Nucleus user here, but fairly IT savvy. I agree with @Geoff_Coupe - it sounds like your M.2 internal drive has shuffled off this mortal coil. I have no idea of the failure rate of these drives, though it seems to be a regular feature in the support category.

Given the relatively low cost of this drive, I would consider an enterprise grade replacement - something with high endurance (drive writes per day - DWPD, total bytes written - TBW (the more multiples of drive capacity the better) and a decent length warranty).

Edit - or buy cheap and be prepared to replace it again in ~ a couple of years’ time. In which case, to minimise inconvenience and downtime, I’d consider buying a spare…

The Nucleus version of the Roon OS has extra code for thermal control in the Nucleus’ fanless case.

When you’re ready, post here and flag support by using the ‘@’ in front of support (as I did in my post above).

BTW, go from step 3 in the ROCK installation guide…


Let me know when you’ve completed the above @Christopher_Harr and we can help get you sorted out. Thanks!

Hi Benjamin,

I received a replacement Transcend M.2 drive, same part time/model as the OEM drive (TS128GMTE110S). With that drive installed, it no longer hangs on startup. I can get immediately into the BIOS or boot manager menus.

I’ve imaged the Rock installer onto 2 separate USB drives using Etcher, one old, the other brand new. In both cases, it doesn’t allow me to boot from the drive. I receive an error message:

“Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key”. Pressing a key causes the message to repeat.

I’ve tried restoring the BIOS default, UEFI boot on/off, disabled network boot and secure boot (post BIOS reset), changed the legacy boot sequence to the M.2 drive or USB as a priority. I looked for a BIOS update for the NUC7i3DNB board in my Nucleus but didn’t locate one.

BIOS rev is DNKBLi30.86A.0063.2019.0503.1904

It’s as though imaging the roonbox-linuxx64-nuc4-usb-factoryreset.img.gz to the USB drive doesn’t make it a proper boot drive, and there aren’t any options in Etcher to force it to be a boot drive either.

I did try putting the old M.2 in - it went back to hanging on boot.

Any ideas?

Hi @Christopher_Harr,

Thanks for the status update!

A good next step here would be to try Rufus and let me know if the same issue persists.

Tried imaging a USB drive using Rufus, the result was the same. “Reboot and Select proper Boot device or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key”.

I loaded a Windows 10 image onto a USB drive. The Nucleus will boot into the Windows installer.

When I use Diskinternals to view the Roon Rock installer USB drive, this is what I see.

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