Anyone have experience with this?
Does straight DSD playback work?
Can it convert DSD to PCM on the fly?
If so can it also do any DSP functions on the file?
Does straight DSD playback work?
Straight forward playback without processing isn’t a big task.
Can it convert DSD to PCM on the fly?
On-the-fly DSD to PCM conversion is a task the Nucleus One should be able to handle well.
If so can it also do any DSP functions on the file?
Roon doesn’t do any DSP on files, only on-the-fly on audio streams. Roon Labs states:
Processing power is a limited resource so not everything is possible. Processing a PCM stream is magnitudes easier to do than processing a DSD stream directly. Convolution filters can be everywhere between simple or very complex to process – even for PCM. Multi-channel is obviously more taxing than stereo. Running multiple zones (together or independent) at the same time also further complicates matters.
You did not specify your use case in detail so no one can give you a better answer as that, I guess.