Nucleus One not appearing on app and unable to play audio (ref#JQRAR6)

Hello all, I have not been able to put anything on the N1. It shows up as being there with all the ssd space on the drive but no database to corrupt as I can not get anything to download or transfer over from the Mac mini. I tried changing the ip address to possibly recognize the N1 but got locked out of the N1. I am not a computer expert but if the N1 will not connect that would be my first priority and I do not know how to go and change ip addresses and MAC addresses and the like with no more communication than pointing out things to try. Need more info or knowledge based ideas to move forward before just trying this and that. I tried Arc because the Roon app itself continues to search with nothing connecting. Nothing working and nothing getting figured out. Everyone talks like I have a basic understanding of the operating system which I don’t do break it down another level please and help me figure it out since no one else is helping in anyway. Thank you, Chris Peterson

Hello Geoff, I had to get a usb keyboard to reset the N1. Reset it last night and the same ip keeps coming up. Any ideas how to change the ip to connect. That would be my first obstacle to overcome. Thank you sir. Chris Peterson

Are you connecting direct to the router or via any other components? Which model of nighthawk router are you running?

Can you post a screen grab of the routers settings showing the devices connected to it? Hide your internet ip address if it’s on the same page don’t want others seeing that but show the devices ip.

Hello Crystal, Just curious where everyone helping me is from. I am finding out that cox has the codes per modem because I rent my modem from them. I cannot change the modem settings but they can. I am thinking that could be the problem with connecting and the N1 is showing everything working just not connecting through phone or showing any WiFi or AirPlay because it is on its own so that could be cox choosing the ip addresses. I will contact them and if it fixes the problem I will let everyone know as this will get rid of all the head aches. Thank you, Chris Peterson

I don’t think you have resolved this issue. I strongly suspect that your Cox modem has also a router function and its DHCP server is handing out addresses in one subnet while the DHCP server in your Nighthawk router is handing out IP addresses in the other subnet.

You should just have one DHCP server operational in your network, and that should be handing out IP addresses over both wired ethernet and WiFi, i.e. in the same subnet.

Probably the best option is to ask Cox to set their modem/router into “Bridge” mode - that will mean that only the Nighthawk router becomes responsible for handing out IP addresses. This article explains what “Bridge” mode is, and why it is used.


I was asking about the nighthawk not the cox modem. But is this purely a modem or is it a router as well? As we have all pointed out many times you have two networks running. What is the nighthawk doing and what is connected to it. Do you use it for wireless only or other devices wired into it.


Bridge mode for the Cox unit… I thought so too.
But if the above is true, Mac and N1 connected to the same router give different results with the phone on the same wifi … then that’s extremely strange.

What exactly do you mean by the below?
Are the Mac and N1 connected with an Ethernet cable?

Not if WiFi is active on Mac it might be getting ip from this and not if it’s wired direct. iPhone shows a different iprange to N1 so the Mac must be on same as iPhone to see other devices and for iPhone to work to it. It sounds more like dual dhcp than anything else.

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Would the Mac get its IP address via WiFi despite the cat 6 cable?

@Robert_F had expressed the same thought a while ago.
Unfortunately, @chrispy90’s answer didn’t shed a light on what the case is, at least for me.

Yes it can get two IPs one for wireless one for wired. Roon will get it from one or the other likely dependant on what’s up first. I think plugging the N1 into a port on Nighthawk might be worth trying.


The Cox box is the ISP supplied all-in-one cable router. It has 4 ports. From what I have read about it, it does have a bridge/modem mode.

If @chrispy90 has no access to the settings of this device I would suggest what @CrystalGipsy mentions.

Connect everything to the Nighthawk.

I think this would be the easiest option for the user in this case.

@chrispy90 would have to ignore/forget the Cox box’s SSID an all wireless devices.


Hopefully he can manage it. From what I’ve read, his wireless speakers could be on this network too.
And then he would have to turn off Wifi in the Cox box.


Putting it (Cox box) into bridge mode automatically turns off WiFi and DHCP.

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That’s the best way


Hello all, The cox modem is not in bridge mode yet. Everything is plugged into the night hawk so I will contact my isp and have them put it in bridge mode like it was before I got the new router and new modem from cox. I will try disconnecting the Mac mini and see if it has different ip addresses or other WiFi signals interfering with the confusion of what is doing what in the whole scenario. Thank you for all the help. Hopefully we can figure all of this out soon. Chris Peterson

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If all you devices are going into the nighthawk and all wireless devices are connecting to it to then they should all be the same and the cox won’t have any affect. It will only have an affect if you have some devices connected to it and others connected to the nighthawk. As I suggested further up please do screen grabs from the nighthawk setup screens showing devices connected to it and perhaps the wireless and lan configs.

That is not certain. It is possible that the wireless devices are connected to the Cox Box’s WiFi. Checking this wouldn’t be difficult, because the standard SSID and password are usually on a sticker under or on the side of the router.

Even more simple:
Unplug the Nighthawk and see if the iPhone remains connected to the known WiFi. Or whether it has disappeared.

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But then it still leaves the mystery of why the Mac works.