Nucleus or NUC as both Roon Server AND Roon endpoint

Hi. Apologies if this question has been answered before. I would like the following setup:

A Nucleus or NUC (with ROCK) with my music library (1TB on a SSD) that is connected via USB-cable to my DAC (that is not RoonReady!) and (playback) controlled via my smartphone or tablet.

Is this possible? I’m not sure, but I think that neither the Nucleus and a NUC with ROCK is permitting anything other than the Roon Server to be installed? If not, how best to achieve this simple setup? Mac Mini? New DAC :slight_smile: RoonReady network bridge?

Kind regards,

That should work , you wont have visuals from the NUC but do you want that anyway. You will see all you need on the control tablet.

If you want visuals from the NUC you could consider a full windows 10 install

Hi Mike.

Thank for for your quick reply. I do not need day-to-day visuals from the NUC, only the ability to add more flac-files to the SSD from time to time (far from finished ripping). As long as I can search, view and play files from my music library via a Roon App on my smartphone AND have the sound pass from the NUC directly to the (not RoonReady) DAC and finally out through the speakers, I’m happy! Sounds to you like it would work.


Just remember, that if you want to engage with Roon’s DSP functionality you need either a tablet allowing for landscape mode (though I’m not using such and thus am not 100% sure) or a PC/Mac with the full Roon user interface.

Hi Martin.

Thanks and ok. If I want to engage with Roons DSP-stuff I’ll just use my desktopPC. As long as search and playback works fine from the smartphone directly to the Roon Server, and from there to the DAC.
