Nucleus +, latest software. That is all I know since I cannot access it at this point
Networking Gear & Setup Details
Melco S100
Connected Audio Devices
Nothing else connected to the Nucleus + other than Ethernet
Number of Tracks in Library
In the middle of listening to a track, it stopped working and Roon said it could no longer find the core. I rebooted twice, including the switch, and checked to see that other devices on that switch were working. No luck. Its as if the Nucleus + is failing for some reason. Its lights are on, Ethernet lights blinking, but no response. Computer cannot find it anymore either .
Thanks for the tip. I tried that and got nothing, no display signal. I believe that the HDMI outputs had not been enabled because I normally don’t use them. And I cannot get to the settings now to enable them.
I think this unit needs to go in for service but I don’t remember what the process is to get that to happen.