Nucleus Plus running very hot

I have noticed over the last few days, my Nucleus Plus is running very hot to the touch. Whilst it is not totally uncomfortable to touch, it is not far off! Is this common in respect of this unit. I have never experienced the product over heating before. Is this common?

Background info as follows:

  • Are you using a Nucleus or Nucleus+? - I am using a Nucleus+
  • Where did you purchase your Nucleus from? - I purchased the unit from Henley Audition October 2018
  • Describe where your music is stored – my music is stored on a Naim Core with an internal HDD and a back up on a Seagate 2TB external HDD. At the outset, I also installed a 2TB SSD internally on the Nucleus +
  • Let us know your collection size (approximate number of tracks) - Approx 1300 CDs
  • What remote device(s) are you using to connect to Nucleus? - Using an iPad mini to connect to the Nucleus+
    The only way to deal with the problem at this stage is to switch the unit off via the rear rocker switch until the light goes off (I do not own the Rev edition).

Any ideas what the cause of the overheating is and whether there have been other instances of overheating reported?



If that keeps up, let’s see how long it is before your M.2 dies.

Just a personal theory.

I have a Nucleus + and it’s not even lukewarm….

A good time be make sure you have a working backup.

Hello @Philip_Bryce,

I’ve activated diagnostics for your Nucleus unit and it looks like it was importing quite a lot of content and performing analysis, it is normal for the unit to be warmer when it is actively using the CPU for tasks. Has the file importing been completed since you reached out, is the unit still very hot? I would also check to see if you have an activity spinner in the top-righthand corner, as this tells you if the unit is actively importing tracks:


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