Nucleus setup help

Hi dylan. Ok. I downloaded FE File Explorer on my iphone. I found both the nucleus and my laptop on the network when i searched for “windows connections”. I selected my laptop and entered my microsoft username and password and it connected! i could see my FLAC folder which i had given sharing permissions for with my music on etc. So i can connect to my folder from my iphone to my laptop folder. Does that info help?

Thanks for confirming that you’re able to connect from outside the Nucleus!

Your password for the share — Does it include any non alpha-numeric characters?

Hi. Just upper case letters, lower case letters, and numbers.

Hi @Richard_Lane — Just to verify, as Daniel mentioned above, you’re using the account that you use to log in to the laptop and not a different Microsoft account, correct?

correct. I am using the account that i use to login to the laptop. There is obviously some communication issue between my windows laptop and roon. Which is strange as i can see other items on my network from my windows laptop (Sonos, and wireless printer).

Hi @Richard_Lane — Can you share a screenshot of what you see when you click Share under the folder’s properties sharing tab like this?


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