Nucleus+ start up issues

Roon Server Machine

Nucleus+ rev B

Networking Gear & Setup Details


Connected Audio Devices

Streaming with Primare NP5

Number of Tracks in Library

0, only run Tidal and Quboz

Description of Issue

Don’t boot up when starting. No signal from HDMI, no internet access (not even trying to access to router).
If I remove power and Ethernet cables, remove SSD board and memory and have them out 5 minutes. Assembly the SSD and memory, attach the power cable, start and wait some minutes and then attach the HDMI cable and usb keyboard. Press ENTER and write “reset network” and ENTER.
Attach the Ethernet cable then it works 1 out of 10-20 times.
Now has also the lightning in power button stopped.

When the above are done everything works as expected.
Tried to get some support by Swedish distributors but not get any help at all. The Nucleus+ is of course out of warranty.
Would appreciate if someone could help me out?
Thanks in advance.

Hi @Michael_Almroth,
Thanks for writing in to let us know about this issue. If I understood your post correctly this has happened a few times and you’ve been able to restore functionality by removing power and Ethernet cables and removing the SSD, motherboard and RAM for five minutes. Is that correct?

Yes the procedure need to be done each time the power cuts and the procedure need to be performed several times to have it starting up, last time I did the full sequence 15 times before it started.
The power button light is not working but doesn’t need to be same issue.

Can you try just removing the SSD next time? This can happen if there is a problem with the SSD connection itself.

I can try that next time. I have also bought a new ssd board, but can’t find out how to clone the current one.

The best way is to do a fresh install from the website and then restore a backup

Cant find where to do a fresh install from the website for Nucleus. Is it possible to do a restore before a new installation?

Hello @Michael_Almroth ,

By this do you mean a new SSD or a new motherboard? If you bought a new SSD, you can follow the ROCK install guide (step #3 onward - do not flash BIOS) and then complete the below form to request the Nucleus remote system flash.

Yes, I meant the ssd board, not the mother board. Will try this during the weekend. Is it possible to buy a power button?

Sorry we don’t sell replacement parts for the nucleus. What is wrong with your power button?

Hi really disapointed that you dont answer, really bad when you have customers that paid $3000 for your units and they only work less than a year.
I have now got one more unit (not working) from the seller to see if i can get 1 working unit from them, since they dont have any support from you.
I cant reinstall according to your document since it dont find any bootable device and neither from the interface since the unit only starts 1 time out of 15.
Sorry for my tone but really frustrated of the situation.
Would appreciate support tomorrow.

Hey @Michael_Almroth,

Sorry for any confusion here - where were you referring to in regards to not receiving an answer or response?

Based on your previous reply, you were going to manually install and flash ROCK to the new SSD. We are waiting for your response to this process, which you’ve just shared now below:

Can you provide a bit more info around your process here? Which software did you use to write to the USB drive? Can you test out using another program?

Do you have a different USB drive to test? Or, try a different port on the Nucleus?

Hi Benjamin, sorry for my frustration. It is not your fault. I have in parallel to this I have received an email from Roon there that have said they will come back since they think it is the mother board.
The issue is that I can’t start up the unit more than 1 out of approx 15 trials. If I success to start up to choose were to boot from it not starting after that. I will do a new test tomorrow and reach out after that.
Have a great evening!!

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No problem at all @Michael_Almroth, hardware malfunctions can very easily get under the skin, especially when it comes to audio and your home listening!

Thanks for the clarity - let me know how it goes, and the RMA team will likely follow up with additional information and next steps on their end as well. :raised_hands:

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