Nucleus+ Update Issue (ref#45729C)

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Nucleus+ update

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Have changed the SSD board and installed ROCK and would appreciate if you could help out to add the nucleus+ software.
The serial number is 54B2030BBB52.

@Michael_Almroth I suggest that you follow this link to get this resolved:

you get this:

Selecting Option D notifies Roon’s support team that you need your ROCK software updated for your Nucleus Plus.

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If doing so, I’m asked to contact dealer in Sweden and there is no one. Have asked several but they have left as distributors since the nucleus+ was end of life and no new modul.
Would appreciate if you could guide me how to proceed.

Would appreciate if you could confirm that the following (5 out of 8 pics) BIOS settings are OK.

the remaining 3 pictures

Any suggested path forward?

Hey @Michael_Almroth,

Thanks for writing in!

You typically don’t need to touch BIOS settings when updating the internal SSD. As long as you have the SSD properly inserted with ROCK installed, you’re in good shape.

Our Nucleus team is still investigating things internally, so I don’t have any immediate next steps for you quite yet - my apologies there! I should have more information to share early next week.

Thanks for your patience in the meantime :pray:

Hi Benjamin
This unit is up and running. Would appreciate if you could update it with nucleus software. Nothing else needed for this unit.

Hi @Michael_Almroth,
This case is being escalated within Roon at the moment. The lack of any dealers in Sweden is making this more complicated to solve. We are working on a solution and we will get back to you when we know more. Thank you in advance for your patience!

Thank you.

Hi @Michael_Almroth ,

The team is still actively looking into your request, and I just wanted to let you know that your request has been escalated internally. Thank you for your patience until the RMA team completes their review, we will let you know as soon as we hear back from them.

Thanks for your mail.
I bought one more in purpose to get one functional. It turned out to be the SSD M2 board on both of them. Have now changed the boards, reinstalled the ROCK software and both 2 units are now up and running. So only support needed from you is help to install the Nucleus+ software to not run them too warm, please let me know how this can be done. Tried to fill in your request but all support crews ask me to contact the Swedish distributor but there is no distributor as I know in sweden. Please get me a helping hand here.