Odd metadata issue: Miley Cyrus shows up as Hannah Montana

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Description of the issue

Anything with Miley Cyrus shows us with Hannah Montana as the artist. If I go in to Track Editor: EDIT TRACK Miley Cyrus is not an option in the Credit search.

What do you see if you go to Roon’s Settings|Library and click on View for Un-merge artists?


I think this is a general issue as Miley Cyrus has morphed into Hannah Montana in my library too. Miley has disappeared.

FWIW, there’s nothing related in Settings → Library → Un-merge artists


Someone’s taking the preverbial at the metadata services. Gotta love the cheek of it.


This is the only Miley Cyrus I have. I have no Hanna Montana albums.

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Hey @Jason_Martin1

Thank you for getting in touch, and welcome to Community! We’re happy to have you but sorry to see that it was an issue that prompted your first post.

As always, we appreciate the heads up here. We’ll take a look at how this information is reflected on our metadata providers’ side and see what we can do! It looks like the Hannah Montana alias may have unintentionally been substituted in place of her given name.

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I too came to report this.

I have Attention: Miley Live local.

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