One Love albums

Content you’re reporting an issue with

“One Love” albums by Bob Marley

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?


Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

both “One Love” albums are imported CDs into iTunes where the issue does not present itself.

Screenshot of import settings

Description of the issue

Both albums titled “One Love” respectively by Bob Marley&The Wailers and David Guetta have been merged by Roon. When I perform a search for Bob Marley in my Roon library, his “One Love” album won’t even show. I found out instead that the “missing” Bob Marley album had gone under David Guetta’s name with the album cover of the latter’s One Love album

Hi @Francois_Jacques,

It looks like something in the file tags resulted in these albums being merged. You can correct this with the instructions in this Help Center article

You’ll need to separate either the David Guetta or Bob Marley tracks to a new disc using the instructions in the article. Roon will attempt to identify them. If it cannot you can do that manually.

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