ONLY audio/streaming quality TIDAL QOBUZ

No you will find all opinions on this site. You will find the following.

  1. There can be no difference so long as the masters are the same as bits are bits.
  2. Qobuz sounds better to me
  3. Tidal sounds better to me
  4. I cannot hear any difference
  5. Subjective tests are meaningless
  6. I don’t care one sounds better to me
  7. Apple music sounds better
  8. Qobuz sounds better though its own app than through Roon
  9. New versions of Roon sound better
  10. But others think the same version sound worse than previous ones

This is just 10 off the top of my head. And of course, you will get views like it depends on your equipment and how your core is connected.

See these recent threads for some samples of this kind of conversation which really goes nowhere fast, there have been many over the years.

Qobuz vs Tidal compared - Audio Gear Talk / Music Services - Roon Labs Community

Apple Music better sound quality than Tidal? - Audio Gear Talk / Music Services - Roon Labs Community

Sound quality of Qobuz via Roon vs Qobuz direct - Roon Software Discussion - Roon Labs Community

So sorry no conclusion at all.