Paavo Berglund - The Bournemouth Years

Content you’re reporting an issue with

Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?

Yes, I edited the metadata pretty extensively in an attempt to get it to work with Roon. Disc and track numbering, work / movement notation, and composer names are all set in ways that usually work.

Is the album identified in Roon?

It is identified, but the identified metadata is only correct for the first part of the album. Here’s what the rest looks like, despite the metadata I’ve edited being in a format Roon usually recognizes:

Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?


Screenshot of import settings

Description of the issue

Roon identifies the album but applies metadata that is only partly correct. As a result most compositions are not identified.

Have you put all ripped discs into one folder and only used disc and track numbers, or have you created subfolders for each disc and used the naming convention CD1, CD2, … CDnn?

I notice that you have set “Prefer Roon” for most of your import settings. If you’ve used Work/Composition tags in your metadata, you could try setting “Prefer File” for at least these tags.

Before you do that though, it’s probably best to delete this boxset in its entirety from Roon, change your import settings and re-import. Roon has a habit of sticking to its original identification process and may not honour your metadata values.

If this is the multi-disc box set, I think we simply don’t have complete metadata for it.

The discs are all in one folder with tracks numbered {disc number}-{track number}.

I don’t use work and composition tags. Instead, I separate work and movement by a dash and a number in the track tag. This usually works well.

I brought the files in twice with some editing in between to see if that would help. Both times Roon had no trouble identifying the album but said that “109 tracks don’t match”:

Thanks for your suggestions.

Are you able to notify the metadata provider?

My purpose in writing was mainly to flag this as an album where some metadata appears to be missing.

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