Page keeps repainting / reloading in MacOS app

Note sure if this is related to early access or just something specific to my set-up, but posting first here. My iOS apps are behaving fine, but my MacOS app just keeps reloading the page constantly every few seconds. I can’t complete a search. If I click very quickly I can get playback to start or stop. Happens on every page I can easily get to - home, album page, album browse. Tried to get to settings / about, but it keeps reloading whatever page I’m on before I can get both clicks in. Can’t find anything similar on the forums. Tried rebooting my Mac (latest 15.2). No love.

Eventually Roon app crashes and sends a report to Apple. I have the detailed logs, but they’re too big to post here.

Any ideas?


Hi, @Johnny_Ooooops!
Have you tried rebooting Roon server?

Hi @oleh -

Thanks, yes I have rebooted the ROCK twice now.

On occasion I can just sneak in an action (like hitting play on an album or navigating to a different page). but mostly it just says “waiting for Roon server” and then there’s the spinning squid, and then the page reloads. When I quit and restart the Roon app pn the Mac it goes through multiple cycles of “waiting for Roon server” and then spinning squid, repeat a few times, then it goes to the “Connect to your Roon Server” page and while it sees my ROCK at the correct IP address, it lists as “Red” / “Connecting…” for a long time before switching to green and showing connect. The green appears for maybe a second and then disappears. No similar behavior on any other devices. Am going to uninstall Roon, reinstall (early release) and see if that does the trick, will report back.

EDIT: seems to be same behavior. Get to “Connect to your Roon Server” page, and sees my ROCK immediately at the right version / IP address, but very quickly flops between Connecting… / Initializing… and for a brief moment Green / Connect, but so briefly I haven’t been able to click. All other iOS/iPadOS devices working fine.

EDIT2: Wait, now iOS devices not working as expected, spinning squid on them too. Restarted Roon application and RoonOS twice. Now I have a completely non-functional Roon system.

EDIT3: Now iOS devices are working again, but MacOS Roon doing the same thing.

Hi @Johnny_Ooooops, the symptoms might show some local connection issues. Please, make sure Roon server has a stable connection.

I figured it out!!!

I had logged into Tailscale from my ROCK at some point, just to try it out. Turns out that was the culprit. Log out and everything goes back to butter. Must be some weird network loop with some of my devices logged into Tailscale (even though they are at home, I just forget to turn it off on my iPhone). I have no reason to run Tailscale on the ROCK since ARC works just fine without. Experiment over, bad behavior gone.

Hope that this is useful to someone else at some point!


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