Part of Qobuz playlist disappeared

Hi, part of my favourite Qobuz playlist has disappeared. Adding a “date added” to sorting the tracks, looks like all the tracks I added to it in the last few months have disppeared - however, they still appear when I log into Qobuz directly, and logging out of Qobuz within Roon and logging back in (to freshly sync it) hasn’t solved the issue).

Can you please help me? thanks

If it was me, I would delete the Qobuz playlists from Roon and let them repopulate from Qobuz. However, I’m just another customer here, so I could be wrong.

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Or at least log out of Qobuz inside of Roon, reboot Roon Core machine and log back into Qobuz inside of Roon.

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thanks! prefer not to delete unless someone confirms this won’t delete also in Qobuz (which I think it might)

just tried - logged out of Qobuz inside Roon, closed Roon app, rebooted core, opened Roon app again, logged back into Qobus - this solved it!

thank you very much :pray:

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