Performer not shown under track title, despite the info appearing under Track Info

Hi @extracampine – thanks for passing on the media. We took a look and as I suspected, this is a case where we’ve got a match, and have applied metadata, but the entry in our database is incomplete and has no information about the track level performers.

My first thought here was that we should be pulling the track artist info our of your tags and mixing it in with the data that was retrieved, but I was reminded that we tried this before, and the results were not pretty. In this case it might be clean, but in many other cases, you end up with all kinds of ugly mismatches that look way more ridiculous.

I realize this is not a perfect answer. The “basic info” fix I mentioned above should suffice for now, but the issue is that if our metadata gets better for this album in the future, you’ll miss out, since that effectively detaches the album from our database.

The real fix here is more granular “revert to tags” functionality, which would let you maintain the album match, but roll just the tracks back to your tags. This is in progress and coming soon, so thanks in advance for you patience here.