Something very embarrassing for me (Android Pixel7). And the rest maybe of you Android users I found out (maybe after an Android update) the battery properties were on ‘optimized’ for the Roon remote app. After switching back to battery always on, the problem was solved… 10-3: Oops, not working. Thought it was solved but a few minutes ago the app froze again. Bummer!
Hi @RM_Kamphuis,
Since you’re on a Pixel phone, we’re investigating this issue as a separate mechanism from the iOS-related thread on which you commented. Please stand by and we’ll follow up here.
Hi @RM_Kamphuis,
A few more questions here. Thank you for you help pinning this down.
If you uninstall and reinstall the app, are you still encountering this freeze? Does this occur on your local Wifi?
What was the last page you visited in Roon before the crash, and what were you doing on that page?
Hi Connor, did some testing. The freezing occurs on my local WiFi. Normally the screen that freezes is the last screen I used. Most of the time that would be playing an album. Deleting and reinstall of the app gives no solution.
Dear Connor, reinstalled the Roon remote again, now also setting the battery properties of the app to maximum (so not optimized) and after that no freezing. Will keep an eye on the behaviour in the coming days.
Unfortunately the app freezes again after some time of inaction… So not solved
Hi there, i have found that the app also freezes on my pixel 7, after uninstall, reboot phone and re install this still occurs, will allow me to select which zone to play to but when i select from a playlist ( which is created in Tidal) the app immediately freezes, if i then stop app and restart it will show the same frozen screen, only showing track currently being played and zone on the screen, yes the track being played does update as they roll through the playlist.
What i have found is that if i re install roon, and use roon library or any other function it operates fine, as soon as i select one of my playlists which i have created through Tidal it freezes.
Using Wifi. I have rebooted server. i have not experienced this issue when using my kindle.
I hope any of this info is of any use.
Hi Chris, my Pixel 7 freezes anyhow. Not playing playlists, just my library…
Hi @RM_Kamphuis,
We’ve narrowed down the crash to the minifocus feature in the album browser in your logs.
When you encounter crashing, can you please describe what you’re doing in Roon? Ideally, we’ll want to see what other pages can trigger this behavior. If possible, please take a video of the crash by initiating a screen recording or by using a separate phone or device and upload it here.
Hi @Chris_Bill, thank you for the report as well, and sorry for the delay here. Are you using the Play Store build of Roon Remote, and is this still occurring?
Hi @connor,
Here is the recording of my screen. I pressed ‘start playing’ on the album (Tidal, in my library) II - New Fossils ( which actually does not matter, it happens with every album) and then closed the app (which is then in background). When the album was finished after 31 minutes, I made this screen recording. Opening, black screen, back to albums, no albums showing, app freezing completely (Nothing responds). Hopefully this will help finding the problem.
Now another problem arises: I cannot upload the screen recording here. Says the file format (mp4) is not supported. Any other way I can send it?
Hi Connor , I have just checked as I have been using a kindle without any issues, it does appear to be working without any issues, I will continue testing and feedback.
Hi @connor, the April 1st Android update for Roon remote did not solve the freezing bug. Just to let you know.
Just encountered another freeze but in a different situation. This time I was listening to the last song of an album with the Roon remote screen open as active screen. After the last song the app froze, didn’t do anything anymore. So it seems the app just freezes as soon as the playing queue is empty, regardless of it’s in the background or an active screen. And also ‘the end of the album’ is not a trigger. It also freezes in the midst of an album playing and opening the app. Hopefully this is helping.
Nope, also the latest update did not solve the remote freezing. When is this ever going to be solved? Amazing that this is already going on for 6 months now…
I solve it this way months ago. I named the fix “restart”…
Work is underway…
Hi @RM_Kamphuis,
Thank you for providing the video - we’re syncing again on this issue with development and close to pinning down the root cause. If you’re able to provide one additional timestamp of any recent instance of the symptom in your video, it would be immensely helpful. In any case, we’ll post an update here from development as soon as we have information. Thank you again for your patience.
Dear @connor, tomorrow I will be back from a short holiday and will make another screen recording. I will use the same email address as before.
Hi Connor, sent you two screen recordings by e-mail.
And a screenshot from today at 19.31h today. Album finished playing, remote shows black screen.
Going to albums (app is responsive) shows again a black screen, albums on zero.
After this I pressed ‘Focus’ and then the remote freezes.