Does the issue happen with local library music, streaming service music, or both?
· *Both streaming and local* *library* music are affected.
Do you encounter any playback errors with the "System Output" Zone?
· The System Output has the same problem as my other Zone.
Do you have a complex network setup?
· Both the device and RoonServer are connecting to a *single router*
Please try rebooting your router.
· No, I'm still having trouble
Do you have an approximate timestamp of when the issue last occurred?
· Squonk
What are the make and model of the affected audio device(s) and the connection type?
· All devices that are available on my laptop: DAC, audio interface, etc
Describe the issue
Getting error "Too many failures stopping playback" when attempting to use the System Output zone. This happens with local library files as well as streaming services. All other zones behave as expected. I have rebooted my modem, router, and the laptop that hosts Roon Server but the problem persists.
Roon Server and Roon Remote both build 2.0.1496
Describe your network setup
Spectrum modem, Google router. Laptop with Roon Server connected via wifi
I would recommend to connect your Roon Server to Ethernet. Wifi can lead to issues that you’re describing. I’ve had similar issues in the past. They disappeared completely after connecting my Roon Server to Ethernet.
When this issue happens, what do you have your System Output last endpoint set to? If you try to set it to the internal speakers, does the issue still occur then? Or does it only happen when you have it set to a specific zone?
We’ll just mention this again, as it would be a critical step in troubleshooting - from a recent diagnostic report, we see repeated dropouts due to an unstable network connection, so it would be good to rule out any potential network issues.
Let’s see if refreshing your RAAT Server database may help. You can generate a new RAATServer instance on your device by following these instructions, but please be aware that this will reset your Roon Settings → Audio Tab to factory settings and I would advise making a backup of any custom DSP settings you have:
Refreshing the RAAT Server did not help unfortunately. I tried various iterations of restarting Roon Server as well as the host laptop but all to no avail. Problem persists.
Addendum: I had one experience where refreshing the RAAT did seem to fix the problem, but it returned after restarting my laptop.
Update: today it is working properly, so the problem seems to be intermittent.