I’m running Roon (fully updated) on a SonicTransport i9 connected optically to a Sonore Signature SE (both fully updated). The i9 has 16TB of SSD storage. Collection is about 7.5TB.At times the sound will briefly stop, then resume after the silence. Some evenings this might happen two or three times over several hours. Other evenings not at all. More rarely, the playback stops and I need to restart the track.
Andrew at Small Green Computer (who built the ST i9 suggested that I “contact Roon so that they can look at the logs,” and thus this note to you.
Is it possible for me to arrange for someone in your shop to check the logs? And if so, what is the procedure for that?
Thank you for your considerations.
All the best, Tim Hunt
Roon Core Platform
Linux (NAS/SonicTransporter/Antipodes/Ubuntu/etc.)
Linux Core Type
Roon Core Specifications
SonicTransporter i9 with optical out to Signature SE with optical in module connected by USB to Mola Mola Tambaqui DAC
Connected Audio Devices
primary system is SonicTransport i9 to Signature SE via optical cable. Several other end points draw from the SonicTransport i9 over the inhome network (Synology Router with two mesh extensions). The dropouts occur when only one end point in use, so not a matter of juggling multiple endpoints
Home Network Details
Metronet as internet service to current model Synology router with up to date software; ethernet to gigabit switch; ethernet to SonicTransport i9; optical from i9 to Sonore Signature SE; USB to Mola Mola Tambaqui DAC
Your email has made its way to the Roon Community Forum.
This is the support area for you enquiry.
@support can/should be able access your ST from their end. They may ask for you to upload some log files. There is a lengthy queue currently, but they will be in touch once you reach the top of the pile.
In the meantime, some user maybe able to offer help.
Could you, to help, specify in more detail your home network, make and models etc. Full configuration etc.
Also, what are the full specs of the ST i9.
RAM etc. You said 16gb SSD, do you mean RAM?
Also, how big is your library, track count?
A bit more information might highlight a potential cause.
Your symptoms suggest to me, in my experience as either low on RAM based on library count and/or maybe a network configuration issue.
We’ve taken a glance at diagnostics from your Roon account and there appears to be recent activity on the server. Did you have a chance to review the previous responses, and are you still experiencing this issue? We’d be happy to pull logs to look more precisely if you can share an approximate timestamp or example track that was playing during a playback interruption event.
I apologize for the belated reply. We’d driven to the west coast to take care of some family stuff, and your note came through as we were in the end game before starting the drive back.
I have reviewed the updated thread and am not sure that it helps me resolve the issue.
Shortly after I posted the query, Roon pushed out an update. For the three or four days of play before we left on the trip, the interruptions didn’t occur, and I was thinking (hoping) that the update had resolved the matter.
It didn’t. I have about a week’s worth of listening for an hour or two each evening, and the interruptions occur several times to perhaps four or five an evening, with one instance of a complete stoppage.
I’ve checked with Andrew Gillis at Small Green Computer. It’s his sense that the SonicTransport i9 that holds the library of files (on a 14T SSD drive, total collection about 7.5T) has ample RAM for the Roon core which is also on the SonicTransport i9. That’s why he advised me to contact Roon, since he doubts it’s a hardware issue.
My sense is that if this were a RAM problem, it should happen more with higher res files (including some 512 DSDs), but the interruptions in playback have no correlation with the nature of the file (downloads vs. rips, CD Res flac vs. 192/24 Flac vs. DSD of whatever resolution).
Any guidance you could offer would be much appreciated.
As near as I understand, I’m not using the embedded hq player but simply running Roon straight from the i9 with it as the Roon core. I keep trying to infer a pattern to the glitches but so far all I’m perceiving is randomness. Same for you?
I’ll try. The challenge is that this occurs with what seems complete randomness without regard to specific file, file type, etc. It might happen, as it did last night three (I think it was) within one track of a recently ripped new Japanese CD of an Attila Zoller album, then not again for the rest of the album or the whole evening. Where this has happened in the past I was thinking it was a problem with the rip or download but when I’d replay the file that glitched, it played without any interruption. If this were occurring with streamed files from Qobuz, I’d assume it was an issue with internet connectivity/modem/router, but it occurs with files that reside on a 16T SSD drive internal to the i9 SonicTransporter from Small Green Computer, which feeds the file player through a direct optical cable link that shouldn’t be impacted by the router or LAN. It seems that the problem has to be within the ST i9, some corruption within my Roon software, the Sonore Signature SE file player or some interaction of the three. I have reinstalled the OS for both the Signature SE and the STi9. Both are running the most current version. I’ve kept Roon fully up to date.
I’ll make it point to keep notebook and pencil handy to log any playback glitches this evening and report those forward.
I wish this were simply a matter of a corrupted music file, but the variability, randomness, and lack of the problem repeating if I replay a file suggests (to my non-tech sense of logic) that that isn’t the case.
All the best & thanks.
For most of my not-quite-two-hour listening session last night, all files played without a hitch, then two glitches nearly back to back.
The first a 7:32 pm (CST) while playing The Bottle Rockets track, “White Boy Blues.”
The second at 7:41 while playing the Joe Farrell track “Follow Your Heart.”
The first glitch was very moment of silence, followed by the track resuming without (to my ear) having left anything out. The second was perhaps closer to a second in duration, again without (it seems) have skipped over or omitted any of the file.
Both tracks are from CD rips as FLAC. Both tracks have played (multiple times) in the past without error.
All the best,
In case this matters, these momentary interruptions in play happen both with ripped CDs and with downloaded files (both FLAC and DSD) from multiple sources (Qobuz but also eClassical, Acoustic Sounds from when they offered DSD downloads, etc.)
From the server diagnostic, we’re seeing slow media time outs around the timestamps you provided - how is your Roon Server specifically connected to your router? If you could please temporarily hardwire it directly, bypassing any network gear, that would be helpful.
Resetting your RAAT Server settings may be helpful as well:
You can generate a new RAATServer instance on your device by following these instructions, but please be aware that this will reset your Roon Settings → Audio Tab to factory settings and I would advise making a backup of any custom DSP settings you have:
My SonicTransport i9 is (I’m assuming) my Roon Server. Ethernet from it to a Cisco gig switch, the Cisco switch ethernet to a Synology RT 2600ac Router, and the Synology router ethernet to the modem supplied by Metronet. The ethernet runs are all short and all with quality wire.
I confess I don’t understand how/why the chain prior to the Roon core and file server would have a role in this, but I accept that it could. I’ll experiment with the two possible remedies that you’ve outlined. Fortunuately, I haven’t customized any DSP settings, which makes generating a new RAAT server a bit less complicated.
I have the optical rendu and having the same problem with the drop out. I by passed the SO and put Roon to my iPad and blue tooth to the stereo. Sound was not as good but no drop outs. Once I reversed it, drop out within 1 hour. The problem for has gotten worse. Hopefully you have resolved your problem
Not entirely but the problem is a good deal less severe (an interruption every evening or two instead of multiples within a few hours). My hope is that future firmware updates may finish resolving the problem or that the upgrade to the Sonore Signature SE that’s in the offing will resolve it. Thanks for checking.