Playback issues with Roon using Merging Hapi at 384 KHz sample rate (ref#WVV3XB)

What best describes your playback issue?

· Music doesn't start when I press "Play"

What type of Zone is affected by this problem?

· *All of my Zones* are affected.

Does the issue affect all file formats?

· The issue affects *multiple/all* file formats.

Does the issue happen with local library music, streaming service music, or both?

· *Both streaming and local* *library* music are affected.

Do you encounter any playback errors with the "System Output" Zone?

· The System Output has the same problem as my other Zone.

Do you have a complex network setup?

· I don't have a mesh network, but I use *managed network switches*

Your local network might need some re-arranging to support Roon.

· None of the suggestions have helped me. I'd like to submit a support request.

What are the make and model of the affected audio device(s) and the connection type?

· Already described

Describe the issue

I am using Tidal with Roon. My audio system consists of a merging Hapi, using merging MAD and Aneman configured in a 8 channel stereo configuration using Asio and Acourate room correction DSP. This configuration worked at 384 KHz sample rate with both, Audirvan plus and also Roon. But now I have problems playing music with Roon, although I didn’t change anything.

Describe your network setup

Answered before

If you have been using Audivana ensure it’s not locking on to the audio playback. Have you tried a reboot of the server machine?

Hi @Siegfried_Nitz,
Thanks for reaching out to us about this issue. I think the next step here is to enable some diagnostics on your account so our technical staff can get some more insight into what’s going on here.

However, before I enable this feature, I’d like to ask for your help ensuring we gather the right information.

First, can you please reproduce the issue once more and note the time at which the error occurs. Then respond here with that time, and I’ll make sure we review the diagnostics related to that timestamp.

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