The problem is as stated above. I only use my Ropieee end point in the evenings. I don’t seem to be able to get any audio from it without a reboot. I’ve reflashed on to a different micro SD and still detected the same problem. It happened tonight and so I’ve sent over feedback ff8aa4072ed8dc62. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
The logs are a little bit short…
Have you already tried rebooting your Roon server?
So, can you provide fresh feedback when the issue is active, and make sure you send the feedback before the reboot.
I did reboot the Roon Server at some point. Rebooting the RPi certainly sorts it. When (if - hopefully) it happens again I’ll make sure to send feedback before rebooting anything. Thanks.
Hi Harry. I’ve experienced the same issue on a couple more occasions. Here’s the logs for the latest one. Thanks.
Nothing special to see. I think you need to search for this on the DAC side of things.
I see a logging about a ‘mute’ element, so does this device has setttings with respect to mixer and/or volume?
I’ll check that out. Each time it happens I just have to reboot the RPi and everything’s back to normal. However, as the DAC (Topping D10s) is powered via the RPi then this also reboots the DAC, so I’ll check out what’s happening. Thanks.
ow… I’m not sure if that’s a good idea - considering power limits etc.
But it would explain indeed why the reboot fixes things - it also reboots the DAC.
I think a few people use RPi4 with the D10s and it tends to be ok. I’ve decided to swap it out for another DAC that I have that has its own power source. Hopefully that should sort things.