Playback starts unexpectedly when adding album to stopped queue in Listen Later (ref#S5INHE) [Ticket in]

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Listen Later > add album to stopped queue starts playback when it shouldn't?!

Describe your network setup

Not relevant as this side of things work

To expand and clarify.
If I already have an album in my queue on Arc but isn’t playing because I don’t want it playing, and then I add an album from Listen Later it’ll cause playback of the existing album.

This behaviour happens with albums added from my library also and I do not recall this happening before this update. I used to set up an album queue occasionally with no music playing and this never started playback.

Adding an album to a queue shouldn’t start playback as it’s not the play now button.

This has been happening since before listen later was introduced. I reported it on EA

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Thanks @Daniele_Piancastelli

Peculiar as I’ve never experienced it.

Roon bugs puzzle me :wink:

Hey @Menzies,

Thanks for the report! Odd indeed, could you reproduce and share the specific track name when playback is re-enabled? With that, are you only seeing this on Arc?

If only Arc, does it happen over wifi as well as cellular data?

We’ll take a closer look at a Roon Server report for more clues. :raised_hands:

Hi @benjamin

Now I’ve stopped and caught up with Roon life, I see that @Daniele_Piancastelli was refering to EA for Listen Later. I didn’t partake in this EA.

If this was happening in EA and now production, the clues are in those users logs.

Yes, only happens with Arc, and not with Roon at home.

Was it just mobile data or WiFi or both. Well, after an abysmal morning trying to use Arc, out of frustration I deleted the app from my phone.

If I get time shortly I’ll install Arc and advise back here.

Ok, installed Arc.

I added The White Stripes - Get Behind Me Satan album at 20:08 to an empty queue from Listen Later. The album immediately starts to play. I paused the track Blue Orchid.

At 20:08 I added Zabriskie Point from Listen Later and The White Stripes continues to play.

This was on WiFi. The same happens on mobile data.

It doesn’t occur with Roon.

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Thanks for this @Menzies! We’ve shared the above info with development and will follow up with new information asap. :+1:

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Thanks @benjamin & @oleh


Last night my Nothing Phone 2a update to Android 15 with December’s security update. I have reinstalled arc on the latest build. So far this morning Arc has worked without a hitch :crossed_fingers::four_leaf_clover::stars:

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Glad to hear it @Menzies! We were able to reproduce this in-house and have a ticket in with the team that should push a fix out relativity quickly. Once it does, it’ll be included in the software release notes.

Thanks again for sharing the report! :raised_hands:

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