Please add AZPM Classical 90.5 to Roon Radio. Here is the website with the stream:
Thank you!
Please add AZPM Classical 90.5 to Roon Radio. Here is the website with the stream:
Thank you!
Hello @Carl_Englander , I’ve added AZPM Classical 90.5
for you, please check if OK.
It works perfectly!
Thank you so much Brian!
Hello again Carl, A rather more observant user than I had noticed that the station was already in the database as KUAT-FM Arizona Public Media: Classical 90.5
I should delete the new one I added so we don’t have confusing duplicates.
Please let me know when you’ve read this and I’ll then do the delete.
Thanks for taking care of that Brian! The original station was difficult to find even when I knew it existed!
You may delete the new duplicate.
Thanks again!
Will do. Thanks.
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