Please Move “Recent Listening” stats off Home page

I would like to see the “Recent Listening” stats and “What you’ve been listening to” moved off the “Home” page. Perhaps move put it in the hamburger menu as an option to navigate to a separate page with these stats.

They take up WAY too much space on the “Home” page, and I bet not that useful for many users (certainly not enough to warrant such prominent placement).

Thank you.

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Gotta disagree with you there. Anyhoo the “Home” page is not a page - at least on the MacBook Pro I use as remote it’s real easy to scroll through all the info that’s there. Not a problem for me.

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Fair enough. Of course different folks will have different experiences/opinions on any of the design/function choices Roon has made. What I find annoying, someone else will like, and vice versa.

Perhaps “page” isn’t the correct term? Would “screen” be more appropriate?

There is a solution invented long time ago: let the home page sections (and some others for that matter) be selected and/or arranged.


No, it’s not a screen because you can scroll through it continuously until what they want you to see ends.

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What would be the correct term?

Agree that a dropdown arrow “Show or Hide” would be a popular additional on this or really any section.

I’m not sure really - I just think of it as content :man_shrugging:.