What’s happening?
· Something else
How can we help?
· None of the above
Other options
· Other
Describe the issue
Music sounds terrible
Describe your network setup
1 gig upload/ download
· Something else
· None of the above
· Other
Music sounds terrible
1 gig upload/ download
How is anyone expected to help you with such vague information?
You need to adjust the Sounds Terrible slider control. If it is set to 7-8, try lowering it to 1-2.
In order for us to help, please supply more details: which versions of Roon, on which OS; whether local or streamed; how long have you been using Roon; which audio devices are you using and does other output (e.g. from YouTube) sound better; how does it sound ‘terrible’… distorted, clipped, low volume, stuttering etc?