Positive feedback on localization issues

After a somewhat messy startup I would like to thank the Roon team for the fast response and delivering us an update which solves the localization issues. The workaround was nice to have a quick look on the new 1.8 version, but not workable on devices used also for other private and business purposes. I was happy to see the Roon update this morning! Compliments! Hopefully, a redesigned betatesting policy will prevent unhappy irritated users and an exploding community forum in the future!

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Sorry but the bug in settings in my PC Windows10 version, prevented me to do the update! Then I downloaded the installer and reinstalled the SW but the bug persists, perhaps the downloaded version is still the old one.

Same for me, but the update window in Roon showed up after waiting about 30 seconds. I could push that and Roon restarted after a while

You are right! I was too impatient :smiley: . Thx!

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