Possible Sorting Bug

Dear Roon Support:

I created a thread a few days in the general discussion section where I asked about compilation sorting. In the process of learning how to focus the album listing to show various artists compilations exclusively, I discovered that Roon does not seem to be sorting compilations that begin with the article “A” and compilations that begin with the inverted exclamation point (and possibly other special characters) correctly. Please see my third post in this thread for further details: https://community.roonlabs.com/t/compilation-sorting-question/144892/5?u=roonuser657932327.) I tried searching for an “album [title], sort as” field in Roon’s metadata settings, but I could not find it.

Thank you for your help.

Dear Roon @support:

Did you see my post above?

Thank you.

Thanks for the feedback, @RoonUser657932327!

I’ve passed this along to our team for future consideration.

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