Possible to clear Navigation History in Roon Remote?

With time, Navigation is recorded somewhere as I can click back so many times… Will it not be nice to be able to clear the Navigation History and start afresh from the home page?
It could improve performance.

There is a feature request for this. Perhaps you can add your vote?

Do you really have any signs as to a decreasing performance of your set-up?

Maybe let us know what your core device is, how many tracks your library shows on Roon’s Home Screen, how many endpoints you‘re running concurrently, what DSP features you are using - it might just be under-spec for the job to begin with!

That said, I currently have 17778 tracks from local storage and QOBUZ in my library, usually stream to 4 endpoints concurrently, with one running convolution, parametric EQ, and speaker setup - system feels as snappy as on day one!
(If interested, click my avatar for full system details)

I back out to the first screen every time before closing my Roon client. I also clear the play queue. I don’t know if it matters, but it’s just something I do.

I have had major slowdowns when either editing a good number of albums and using back to navigate back to the albums view. This is with using the full album editor on windows or just grouping albums using iOS remote on phone. Do it enough times and it the app grinds to a halt. Put a ticket in years ago got no replies to it at all went into the ostrich zone of Roon tickets. It’s likely the reason the app gets killed or crashes so often when in background as its using so much memory.

As I said - “It could improve performance”. On a second thought I am convinced it will improve performance. For any setup, no need to discuss my setup.

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