Problem restoring backup

I replaced the M2 drive in my NUC8i7 and am now attempting to restore from backup. The backups are stored on a Samsung USB thumb drive.

Every time I attempt to restore, I get partway through the restore and I get an error message indicating that the restore failed. When I then go back to try again, the USB thumb drive is missing from the backup locations option. I have to do a power-off reset to get it to show up again.

I’ve tried restoring from several (4 or 5) different backups and have now attempted the restore at least 10 times. The furthest that it has gotten is 86%, but most of the time, it’s much less.

I would try a different USB drive as a first step.

The backup is on a USB thumb drive. Are you suggesting I try to copy the files to another drive? I haven’t tried plugging this drive into a Windows machine. Is this a Windows compatible file system?

How many Backup iterations do you have. I hope you have more than just the one.

Try Restoring from a different backup. If only as part of the trouble shooting process.

I had lots of backup copies, but none that I tried were working. However, I was able to copy the files from the USB thumb drive onto a large USB external drive I had, and was able to restore the latest backup from that.

When I copied the USB thumb drive, there were a few corrupted files (out of many thousands), so the drive clearly had some issues, but I’m not sure why the most recent backup worked from from the external drive and not from the thumb drive.

Anyway, I’m back up and running with full functionality and everything seems to be working fine.

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Maybe it’s better to use a USB HDD versus a cheap thumb drive, IDK. All of my nightly backups go to a 1 TB USB HDD.

Yeah, I thought I was getting a good thumb drive by getting a Samsung. I’ll stick with the USB HDD for now, and copy it to my main computer (which is backed up by Carbonite) occassionally.

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