Problem Roon, Qobuz, Mexico (and also Brazil, Colombia, ...) [Activation in process - see Staff Post]

The Qobuz service was recently activated in my country, Mexico, so I created my account, no problems, but when I try to use the Qobuz service in Roon, it does not show me the music, Roon tells me that I am connected with Hi-Res, but when I enter the Qobuz pages they are empty and no tracks are listed, my Qobuz account has no problem because I can use the Qobuz application and listen to music without problems.

I hope you can help me

Thank you

Thank you very much for this heads-up. I just checked and found Qobuz being available in Colombia, too!! That’s great news indeed!!

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How long have you been waiting? It might take awhile for Roon to pick up your Qobuz albums.

Did you try a sync from Settings==>Services?


Did you try restarting Roon?

If you get a Qobuz album returned from a Roon Search, can you add it to Roon?

There are no albums listed in the New Release Section in Qobuz, no Qobuz albums listed in any search, my Qobuz account is new so my account in Qobuz is empty
Captura de Pantalla 2022-05-02 a la(s) 14.38.03

I don’t understand what your problem is. What did you expect to happen?

In order for Qobuz albums to show in Roon, you have to add an album in Roon (as a result of a Roon Search) or add the album in Qobuz and Roon will pick that addition up and put it in your Roon library.

This is my main Qobuz page in Roon

Ah, Ok. I never use that feature. I just looked for the 1st time, now.

Try seeding your Qobuz library by one of the following and try a sync. See if that makes a difference.

Same results :expressionless:

@julcat I would try before syncing to liken (heart) an album, a track and an artist with the app or in the browser, then it becomes clear whether it is only the somewhat slow overview that comes only overnight to Roon, or basically no connection.

If you just created your account you’re in the one-month free trial period… I have no experience with the Roon integration of Qobuz, but may it be possible that Roon doesn’t work with the streaming partner during this trial period? Maybe other users can shed light on this…

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That´s possible, Audirvana works with Qobuz without problems


What happens if you do a Roon Search? Do you get hits and can you add the album to Roon?

No search results no nothing from Qobuz, Tidal works as always

That’s a thought, but I don’t remember having that problem when I signed up to Qobuz. Then again, my memory’s pretty much shot, so who knows

Did you try a signup?

I seem to remember that it also worked in the test phase, since there is a cancelable subscription. Applies to Tidal and Qobuz, but also for Spotify under Foobar2000.

Well, I just signed up and will check this out… :sweat_smile:


@Andreas_Philipp1 You will enjoy it much more than Tidal.

Here is a good description from the FAZ

Well, I signed up and logged into Qobuz on Roon. My experience right now is exactly how @julcat has described it… although I am signed in, Roon behaves as if there was no such thing as a Qobuz account. Searches only return local and Tidal material. Qobuz playlists are empty. Synching the account doesn’t do anything as there is nothing really to synch…

So… I will try and use Soundiiz to get my Tidal favs into Qobuz. And I will wait 24 hours to give Roon time to pock up on this… Although I am quite sure that when I first suscribes to Tidal, all contents were available immediately in Roon searches. But, on the other hand, there was no Tidal trial, if I remember correctly.

Based on my experience with Qobuz, I don’t believe this will turn out to be a Roon problem.

Is good to know, thanks for your feedback, i hope someone from Roon an Qobuz is listening to this