Problems seeing my MS600


I have a Meridian MS600 as my end point. Roon is running on a i5 NUC under Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

Using GUFW I have opened up ports UDP 9003 and TCP 9100 - 9200 and they all play nicely together until I have to turn something off i.e. the NUC or the MS600. If I then use a controller and I can see Roon, but it can’t see the MS600 under Manage Audio devices. If I turn off the firewall on the NUC for a second it then can see the MS600 again and everything plays nicely until Roon or the MS600 are re-started.

The question is what should I set me firewall to be so that it isn’t stopping Roon from seeing the MS600. Does any body know please?

Its not a show stopper but its an annoying inconvenience

Hi @Martin_Morgan. I don’t think Meridian endpoints use fixed ports, so application level rules are the solution here.

I don’t run Linux myself, so I can’t check the app names, but if you whitelist all of the following apps which are running, you should be okay:


Hi Joel

Can’t see an option for allowing Apps. Can allow source IP addresses which I might try and I will keep looking for the app option on the firewall.

Thankyou for the reply. Will get back if I sort it. It all worked until a Roon upgrade about 3 months