Problems with queing when using Devialet RAAT (or Chromecast)

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)
Roon Build 610

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Rock (Wired Eth NIC)
Devialet 440
Directly wired from NUC to Devialet, no devices in between (point-to-point)

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Description Of Issue
When using Air everything works as might be expected.

When using RAAT, pressing [Play Now] from album details or an album overview the album tracks are queued but skipped sequentially (actually nothing is played).

Same devices, same network but different behaviour between Devialet Air an Devialet RAAT

If info is needed, for debugging purposes or clarification, just ask I’ll be pleased to be of any help.

(When using Chromecast to an LG OLED TV the same problems occur.)

Jan de Ruijter

Looks the same but on Win 10

Hi @Jan_de_Ruijter,

Is the behavior the same if you try plugging the Core + Devialet to the router or to an unmanaged switch?

How is the ROCK getting a DNS address here?
What does the Web UI look like, can you share a screenshot?

I’ve tried this using a Netgear GS108Ev3 switch. Even tried to place the Rock and Devialet ports in a separate VLAN without success.

I don’t use DHCP but an static IP address so DNS isn’t involved.

Btw I’ve seen the same problems when using my LG OLED TV thru Chromecast

Hi @Jan_de_Ruijter,

Can you please confirm that the Devialet is using the latest firmware?

In your screenshot, I noticed you are using Ethernet and Ethernet2, does Ethernet 2 have valid DNS + Gateway settings?

Hi Noris,

To simplify things I’ve remover “Ethernet 2” so a screenshot at this moment looks like:

The wired ethernet connection runs through a Netgear GS108Ev3 switch, also to simplify things (more the same compared to other implementations).

Btw the Devialet Expert Pro 440 has a static IP Address


Hi @Jan_de_Ruijter,

Thanks for looking into this further! Our next step here would be to take a look at the Roon logs after the issue occurs, can I please ask that you reproduce this issue, note the exact local time + date + track affected and then use these instructions to send me a set of your Roon logs for review? Thanks!

I’ll do as asked, it probably will take some time (error has to happen first)

The actions I’ve excecuted are:

  • [Play Now] on Album view
  • Later on [Play Now] on an other album
  • Viewing the queue I see the first album duplicated on the queue

(10/14 13:15:39 Info: [library/performerdetails] Created performer details screen for LibraryPerformer)

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Hi @Jan_de_Ruijter,

Thanks again for sending those logs over! I have submitted them to the technical team for review and am still awaiting further feedback regarding your case, once I have more info, I’ll reach out again, thanks!

Hi @Jan_de_Ruijter,

Thanks for your patience here while I discussed your case further with our technical team.
Our team has inquired as to what firmware version you have on your Devialet.
Can you please ensure you have the latest firmware and provide the firmware number?

Firmware 13.2.0 - DOS 2.2.6 for Expert Pro 440

Hi @Jan_de_Ruijter,

I wanted to check in with you here, is this issue still ongoing or have there been any updates to the issue in the meantime? Are you able to use the NUC HDMI zone as expected or does that have similar behavior?

Hi Norris,

Never used HDMI and probably never will. Sorry for the delayed answer.


Hi @Jan_de_Ruijter,

You don’t need to have anything connected to the HDMI zone, it should still play. Can you please try to start playback to the HDMI zone and see if the same behavior occurs (with all tracks skipping in a row)?

Hi Norris,

Were do I look for (a never used) HDMI zone, when I go to settings => Audio I don’t see such a zone.


Hi @Jan_de_Ruijter,

Can you share a screenshot of the zones you see under Settings -> Audio?

Hi Norris,

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Hi @Jan_de_Ruijter,

Thanks for the screenshot, that’s pretty strange. I wonder if a RAATServer cache refresh can help here.

You can generate a new RAATServer instance on your device by following these instructions, but please be aware that this will reset your Roon Settings -> Audio Tab to factory settings and I would advise making a backup of any custom DSP settings you have:

  • Create a Backup of your current Roon Database
  • Stop RoonServer from running in WebUI
  • Navigate to your Roon’s Database Location
  • Find the folder that says “RAATServer”
  • Rename the “RAATServer” folder to “RAATServer_old”
  • Restart the RoonServer in the WebUI to generate a new RAATServer