Qobuz: Album added without my permission or knowledge

Hello I have a problem since weeks, albums (from Qobuz) have been added in my library without my consent. Last week I changed my Roon password, so I don’t think my account has been hacked.
Someone has the same problem? I didn’t find the link to contact Roon Support

You can click here: Support and then click the Get Help button. This will collect more information about your system.

In all probablility, it’s not your Roon password that you should be changing. It is your Qobuz password.

Your Roon password can not be misused by a third party in this way without you knowing (for example, by your roon server being continually de-authorised). The same does not apply to your Qobuz account password.


This is affecting a lot of users. I doubt this is a hack as they don’t appear in Qobuz only Roon for those that have reported this behaviour.


It’s affecting me. Both passwords changed and still doing it.

Likelihood is it’s an issue on Roon’s side. These albums/singles and EPs I’m seeing in my Roon library do not appear in my Qobuz App Library.

My Qobuz app shows 90 favourite albums. No playlists.

Roon shows 179.

I have tried a fresh database. Still happens.

Removed Qobuz and cleaned library. Add Qobuz and slowly after a few hours they all reappear.

I have used Soundiiz to clear out my Qobuz library. Added back in my purchases and a few others to get the 90 mentioned. Roon still shows 179.

@moderators - please can we have other posts related to this issue merged into one support thread.


This is a decision for @support, not the moderators.

Incidently, are you on Early Access or Production?

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Production :+1:

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Thank you !

Ok but I don’t have these albums in my Qobuz page, only in Roon.

Yes it’s very annoying, I had to remove 30 albums this morning.
My Roon version is 2.0 build 1455.

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A TL;DR update

After several fresh Roon installs, Rock, DietPi and now Windows, this behaviour happened on each.

Steps I have taken to pinpoint where the issue is;

Clean install, new database. I added a trial Qobuz account to Roon. No albums showed as you would expect. Good. After a period of time this stayed the same. Good.

Removed trial Qobuz account. Added my Qobuz account, which now has 103 favourites showing in the Qobuz App.

Roon synced and showed 205 :man_facepalming:

I manually tracked down the phantom albums and removed from within Roon’s my library > album section.

I removed my Qobuz account. Cleaned the library, re-added my Qobuz account. Now nothing shows after syncing. :man_shrugging:

Under browse > Qobuz and swipe to MY QOBUZ and my 103 albums appear there but do not now show in my library > albums page.

I manually selected an album on the browse > Qobuz section and added pressed add to library. It shows in the my library > album section and also shows in Qobuz app as a favourite. Good.

I added a new album in the Qobuz app. Qobuz app now shows 105 albums (the one added in Roon and the one just added and my original 103) and after a re-sync in Roon it shows on my library > album page in Roon. Still the original 103 albums do not show in Roon’s my library > albums page.

This has never been like this and has only started since the last update. I recall the first time I added my Qobuz account to Roon and after its initial sync showed my Qobuz favourites on the my library > albums page.

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I have had to manually add my Qobuz app favourites into Roon.

I’ve added my local library back into Roon. Ensured no duplicates across local and Qobuz.

For now things are as they were :crossed_fingers:

Did I pinpoint the issue. No. Unless as someone mentioned elsewhere that Roon’s servers hadn’t truly been purged of my Qobuz library. A ghost in the machine perhaps.

Hi @Laurent_NAVARRO,
Thanks for reporting this to us. We’ve opened a ticket for the dev team to look into this. However I cannot provide you with an exact timeline for when we will have a solution for this.

Hi Daniel, I’m glad to read that this issue is taking care of. Thank you.

Let’s perform some basic due diligence to be sure this isn’t something we’ve overlooked.

If you navigate back through your History, have you played content from any of these albums at any point? What about via Live Radio?

Do you share Roon with any family members or friends? What about Qobuz?

Sign out of your Roon account and reboot the RoonServer machine entirely. Then sign back in. Also sign out of Qobuz in Settings → Services once more and force a sync.

Can you please share an additional screenshot of the Albums page, sorted by Date Added, so we can capture the names of some of these Qobuz objects? We’re investigating this report and should have additional follow-up after the weekend.

Thank you for your patience in the meantime.

Nothing in the history and no live radio.
No, only me have access. Same for Qobuz.

Today I noticed 30 news albums…

My history:

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. I’ll relate this to the developers and let you know the next steps when I have them.

Help! Roon is importing partial albums from Qobuz into my library. No one else uses my accounts or my deticated laptop. I have never listened to these albums and I surely did not import them. It’s not even music I like.
Has anyone come up with a solution yet?

I would change my Qobuz account password.