Qobuz Album Identified as MQA Instead of PCM AIFF (ref#OFLCQ0)

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I am a Qobuz Sublime subscriber and purchased the following album: Modern Cool Patricia Barber Hi-Res 48.0 kHz (with Sublime) Roon identifies this Album as being: AIFF 48Khz 24 Bit MQA 192 kHz this is also confirmed in the Signal Path Display MQA Studio 192 Khz. I purchased this as a PCM AIFF and to the best of my knowledge Qobuz have never sold MQA encoded content. Do you have any explanation for this anomaly? The Album plays perfectly

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That is a MQA stream from Qobuz, you can see so in the Signal Path. Not sure what it is if purchased for download, but, it is probably an MQA purchase as well.

Qobuz will play/sell MQA if that is the only thing a label distributes to them, see all 2L label albums. For example,

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