Qobuz Albums Available But Unavailable?

Still got a couple of weeks to try out Qobuz. I find some albums are shown on the list but they are “unavailable” to play actually. Not sure if this is a coincidence, but all of those albums are exclusively available on Qobuz not on Tidal. Is this because I am on trial period? Anyone?

List of albums so far:
Jess Gillam: Rise
Joni 75: A Joni Mitchell Birthday Celebration
Sokratis Sinopoulos: Metamodal (ECM)
Tormis: Forgotten Peoples - Estonian Philharmonic (ECM)

Jess Gillam: Rise - release date April 26th
Joni 75 - release date March 8th
Socratis Sinopoulus Quartet: Metamodel - release date March 15th
Tormis: Forgotten Peoples - release date November 20th, 2007

All this information I just searched and found on Qobuz’s download store.


Thanks. My question was that I cannot play them. Can you play them all tracks through streaming? The release dates you show (except one) may suggest that they may be available later for streaming…

Maybe I should also add that I’m overseas playing these although I signed up through my valid US credentials. Perhaps there is a regional copyright issue?

No the upcoming releases are not yet streamable.
I do not know why Qobuz pre-announces them this way but you will have to wait a little bit more. I would need to test the Tormis album as this is from 2007.

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Tormis album released in 2007 is playing , I am residing in Belgium.

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Thanks much! This is why they’re exclusively on Qobuz now. Tormis album is a bit weird but it’s an exception.

I just found this with the new Joshua Redman album Come What May, only one track What We Do plays. Upon further investigation, it looks like this is a preview track for the album, which will only release on March 29. It would be much better if album previews were marked as such.

Kronos Quartet Black Angels, Nonesuch 2010, plays from Qobuz US, unavailable to play via Roon. Can find it, but won’t stream with “Track is Not Currently Available from Qobuz” and “Too many failures. Stopping Playback” displayed. Not happening with other recordings. Tried from Roon on iPad and iMac current version of Mac OSX.

What gives?