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QOBUZ and hqplayer do not run in roon rock.
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QOBUZ and hqplayer do not run in roon rock.
Hi @white-rentcar,
Thank you for your post. We’ll require more detail about your Roon environment and how you’re reproducing this problem in order for technical support to take action.
In the screenshot you’ve shared, you’re playing a 24/96 FLAC file from Qobuz. Can you please share a screenshot of the Signal Path in this setup, as well?
Does this issue occur with lower-quality files, like 16/44.1 FLAC from Qobuz? What about with local files?
Lastly, do you have any additional network hardware in this setup, and is the ROCK hardwired directly to your main, upstream router?
The local file works fine.The problem also occurs with low quality files such as 16/44.1 FLAC in obuz.
I am sending you a screenshot of the signal path and settings. Please review it.
Hi @white-rentcar,
This issue appears to be between your Roon Server and Qobuz’s upstream servers.
Are you using any VPNs within your setup? If so, this unfortunately falls outside the scope of support. I’d test out using a different VPN and see if your issues persist.
Unfortunately, there isn’t much we can do outside of that.
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