Qobuz Playlist Name Updates only Partially Reflected in Roon [Ticket In]

Roon Core Machine

Windows 10 on PC.

Networking Gear & Setup Details

BT Router > SOtM Switch sNH 10G
I also control Roon from my android phone.

Connected Audio Devices

SOtM 200 Ultra USB to Chord TT2 DAC

Number of Tracks in Library

80,000 Tracks

Description of Issue

When I update a playlist name in Qobuz, it is reflected instantly in:

My Qobuz
My Playlists (which can’t be sorted by name}

but not in:
My Stuff
Playlists (which I like to use as they can be sorted by name)

I try to do the Settings>Services>Qobuz>Force sync. now, thing, but it has no effect.

Is there another box that needs to be ticked or whatever, to enable “My Playlists” to show the updated name ?


Hello @ATC_300ASL,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I’m getting in touch with the QA team to see if they have any insights or recommendations.

We appreciate your patience while they take a look. I’ll get back in touch to let you know what I find out. Thanks!

Hey @ATC_300ASL,

Just wanted to send you a quick update to let you know we were able to recreate your issue report. We have a ticket in to get this corrected. Please keep in mind that the fix will be a joint effort between Roon and Qobuz, with that we can’t offer a timeline for getting this corrected.

Thanks, jamie.

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