I’ve noticed more than once if I search for an artist the following will happen. For example using R.E.M.
Roon returns all 8 of the R.E.M. albums in my collection.
Roon returns a total of 22 albums from Tidal and Qobuz, combined into one list.
This list is missing many R.E.M. albums, for example Out Of Time and Automatic For The People
If I select my own copy of Out Of Time and then select Versions I’m presented with 4 versions on each of Tidal and Qobuz.
So they are there, and Roon knows about them and has retrieved the information needed to match them to my version and to display these to me but it has not presented them in the overall list of albums retrieved from Qobuz & Tidal.
Having figured out a workaround for albums I already own I can get to the higher quality versions fairly easily but for any R.E.M. albums I don’t know about that are also being dropped from the list returned from Tidal and Qobuz I have a discovery issue that’s a lot less easy to solve (shades of Donald Rumsfeld)
Search is a great tool if you’re looking for something like an Artist, Album, or Track. If you’re wanting to explore an Artist, the best option is to navigate to the Artist page. From the artist page you can see all of the albums associated with that artists.
@Dylan take a look at the artist page for R.E.M. and scroll to the main albums section for Tidal/Qobuz. You’ll see a bunch of albums are missing from the artist page that are part of both catalogues (I mentioned two above) - this can be verified by searching for the album’s title.
If these albums are already in your library they will not show in the TIDAL or Qobuz sections. If you’re looking for alternate versions you will need to navigate to the Album detail page (from the album within your library) and choose the Versions tab. Here you can see all of the versions available.