Qobuz tracks not available in Roon

Roon Core Machine

Pink Faun 2.16

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Frizbox 7490 - Ethernet cable - Pink Faun

Connected Audio Devices

Roon Remote on Samsung Tablet

Number of Tracks in Library


Description of Issue

All Qobuz tracks show “This track not available in Qobuz”.
Qobuz albums show in Roon.
Tidal works fine.
Tidal tracks play outside Roon.
Tried about everything from logging out, restarting everything. Nothing resolves my problem.
Qobuz worked well at the beginning since several years, but has stopped working since several months.
Would be nice to find a reliable solution.

Does the Qobuz app itself (mobile app, desktop app or web player) work well for you?

Aside from Roon, Qobuz works well (i.e. Qobuz app on tablet, Qobuz in BluOS) !

Any news ?

Hello @Roland_Dumont and please accept our apologies for the long delay.

The symptoms you’ve described usually emerge under one of the following sets of conditions:

  1. Your Qobuz account is tethered to a different country than the IP address you are using to connect with Roon. Usually, proxies or VPNs will create this problem. However, since you’ve mentioned that the Qobuz app works independently, this is more a fact to keep in mind than a diagnosis.

  2. There’s a network failure attempting to reach Qobuz’ servers upstream of Roon, prompting the negative track availability message. This could be a unique but not impossible manifestation of network filtering, third-party security, or firewall configurations in your router.

We’re having a hard time reaching your Core to pull diagnostic logs and troubleshoot further. When you have a chance, are you able to provide RoonServer logs to the team for inspection? You can use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader.

Thank you for your demonstration of extreme patience and we’ll be on the lookout for your response.

Hello Connor,
I have uploaded the logs from the Roonserver under my name Roland Dumont.
Thanks for having a look.

Hello Connor,
Did you get the logs I have uploaded?

Hi @Roland_Dumont,

Please accept our apologies for the long delay. We’ve had a chance to investigate the logs you uploaded from your Core and we’ve come to a few conclusions about the source of your Qobuz authentication problem.

This Roon Core is having difficulty reaching the broader internet. Your account authentications aren’t properly reaching Qobuz’s servers, so while you may not have signed out of Qobuz or been automatically logged out within Roon, audio streams are unable to authenticate. Additional unrelated requests are also failing, to reach Roon’s servers and the broader internet.

It’s best to troubleshoot the network, starting with the Core and moving upstream, to identify the blockage here.

Is your Core hardwired via ethernet to a router? Do you have any other network gear in play here?

Have you added Roon as an exception to any system or network firewalls on your Remotes and Cores?

We’ll keep a lookout for your response and reply more promptly. Thank you!

Hello Connor,
I have changed my Roon streamer with a Bluesound streamer. Qobuz works well. This means that Qobuz works on my same home network.
The problem has to in Roon and not in my network.
After lots of investigations I found 2 issues:

  • rename the Qobuz file on the server; then start Roon again and a new login file for Qobuz should be created.
  • rename the cache file from Roon; then start Roon again and a new cache file should be created.
    Which method seems to be the most convenient?
    Where does Roon takes the stored logon data for Qobuz?

Could you please give your answers to @connor 's questions? Whilst you may think that your network is not the issue, the support team have clearly found network issues in your logs.

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