Question about searching file tags

My local library has some files tagged with a tag called ‘group’ with a value of ‘vinyl copy’.

I imported/scanned my library into roon using whatever the default settings are out of the box.

When I look at tags, there aren’t any.

Is there a way to search/ find the files tagged with the above tag?

Currently Roon doesn’t import Grouping tags from files - so: sorry, no, you can’t.

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Thanks for the info.

Create a playlist containing the tracks you tagged ‘group’ using a tool outside roon.
(you likely got one since you were albe to tag the files)
Import this m3u playlist into roon.
Open the playlist and to a LONG-click upon the first title.
Scroll down and SHIFT-click upon the last tite in the playlist.
use the … (3 dots) at the very top next to where it says Edit xxx tracks or similar)
and all the selection to a new roon tag you might want to name ‘group’.
you could then delete the playlist since you could get the tracks using the new roon tag now.


Aha. That would work. Thanks for the suggestion!